Project Lifesaver
What is Project Lifesaver?
Project Lifesaver International is a community based, public safety, non-profit organization that provides law enforcement, fire/rescue, and caregivers with a program designed to protect, and when necessary, quickly locate individuals with cognitive disorders who are prone to wandering.
How does Project Lifesaver Work?
Project Lifesaver uses state of the art technology.
Individuals who tend to wander due to brain related challenges are fitted with a personalized watch-like transmitter.
This transmitter assists caregivers and local emergency agencies in locating the induvial quickly.
State Troopers & municipal police officers respond to calls and will use a receiver that operates through radio technology to search for the missing individual(s) that are wearing the transmitter.
Average Rescue time of 30 minutes.
“Bringing Your Loved Ones Home”
The Troop J, Lancaster Project Lifesaver Program is available to all of the municipalities in Lancaster County. Troopers from Lancaster have completed the required training and certification. To enroll your loved one, contact the PSP Lancaster PLS Coordinator or The Pilot Club of Lancaster, a non-profit service club of volunteers targeting brain awareness and providing support to the Lancaster County Community.
Troop J, Lancaster Project Lifesaver Coordinator 717-299-7650
Cathy Cieslinski, The Pilot Club of Lancaster 717-572-2682
Troop J, Lancaster Project Lifesaver program is funded by Camp Cadet of Lancaster County. Visit www.campcadetoflancastercounty.com for more information.